The Vietnamese community donates to the Hurricane Fiona appeal in Canada



From Oct 10, 2020 to Oct 23, 2022, the Vietnamese community organized a fundraising to raise funds for the victims of the Fiona hurricane. The event has been led by VPABC, which has been trusted by 8 organizations which are the Vietnamese Canadian Senior Society of Great Vancouver, the Vietnamese Air Force Association in BC, the Vietnamese Veterans in BC, the Vietnamses Martial Art in Vancouver, the Vietnamese Cutural Heritage Association in Surey, Friendship Association in the Mekong Delta, Lac Viet radio and Viet BC radio. We made a donation via the Canadian Red Cross in the amount of $11100. Through a match from the Government of Canada, the amount is double. The Vietnamese Community in BC would like to express its deepest gratitude for your donation.

For more information, click the link: The Vietnamese community donates to the Hurricane Fiona appeal in Canada



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Ken Sim has made history after being elected as the first Asian-Canadian mayor of Vancouver. We would like to acknowledge this historical moment and congratulate Ken as this will blaze a path forward for all Asian communities, including the Vietnamese community. We...

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